Post Name
JWT Attacks
JWT Java Web Token Security BOLA
Graphical Game in Go
GO Ebitengine Balls Graphics |
Redpanda Connect Introduction
benthos stream pipeline |
Go ReadLine for Long Lines
GO bufio Scanner Reader |
OpenAPI Schema in Go
swagger |
python GUI simple |
Grafana K6
testing stress prometheus |
Split Load Using NATS Partitions
NATS kubernetes load balance |
Visualize and Cluster Embedding Vectors
python pytorch embedding clustering reduce dimension t-sne scatter |
Question Answered
python pytorch embedding Hugging Face search spacy SentenceTransformer CrossEncoder Question Answering pre-tuned roberta pipeline
Search On My Own
python pytorch embedding Hugging Face search spacy SentenceTransformer CrossEncoder
Using LSTM for Text Generation
python pytorch Generative LSTM RNN embedding
Using GAN to Generate Digits
python pytorch MNIST GAN Generative Adversarial Network |
Update Image Features Using Variational AutoEncoder
python pytorch MNIST variational autoencoder convolutional morphing |
Variational AutoEncoder
python pytorch MNIST variational autoencoder convolutional generator |
python pytorch MNIST autoencoder convolutional LeakyReLU |
Using LSTM For IMDB Prediction
python pytorch embedding torchtext imdb vocabulary spacy RNN |
Transfer Learning
python neural network pytorch cnn transfer learning fine tune resnet |
Resnet32 Full Implementation in Pytorch
python neural network pytorch cnn CIFAR-10 skip resnet |
Convolutional Network Usage
python neural network pytorch cnn MNIST momentum overfitting |
Pytorch DataLoaders and Transformers
python neural network dataloader transformer image augmentation |
Multi-Layer Neural Network using Sequential on MNIST
python neural network classification MNIST object oriented |
Neural Networks Usage Examples
python neural network regression classification |
This post includes examples for basic usage of Py...
python neural network pytorch |
Implement Perception Using NumPy and Using PyTorch
python neural network perceptron |
Matplotlib Quick Start
python matplotlib |
NumPy Cheatsheet with Examples
python numpy |
Using NATS Key-Value from GO
nats go keyvalue |
Embedding NATS server in a GO application
nats go embedded |
Camel Case Words Count
go words camel |
Frequent Pattern Growth Algoritm
algorithm fpgrowth |
Requirements for a Production Grade Kubernetes Bas...
guideline |
Interview Questions
interview |
Create and Parse JWT in GO
jwt go |
Sending a Multipart Request
http multipart go upload file |
Streaming Messages to a Go gRPC Server
grpc go stream |
GraphQL Usage in Go
graphql go |
AWS Application Load Balancer Vs. AWS Network Load...
aws alb nlb guideline |
Using KEDA with Promethues scaler
kubernetes scaler keda prometheus |
Creating graphs using Graphvis dot file
dotfile graph |
Dynamically Allocate and Delete PersistentVolumeCl...
job pvc kubernetes |
Dall-E3 Advanced Prompts Guidelines
ai dalle |
New Software Project: Steps and Architecture
guideline |
NATS Monitoring Using Prometheus/Grafana
nats kubernetes prometheus grafana |
Visualized Data Driven Development
guideline debug test |
Using GeoChart from React Google Chart
geolocation ip map chart |
Simple LLM example on Python using LlamaCpp
llm python |
Go Atomic Value is NOT sync
go atomic sync parallel synchronized |
AWS SSQ API, Implementation, and Stub in Go
aws sqs go test |
List Files with Epoch Names
bash script epoch date time |
Using NATS in go
nats go |
NATS cluster setup in a kubernetes environment
nats kubernetes |
Connect and traverse On AWS Neptune using GoLang
aws neptune gremlin graph |
Using OpenAI in Go
openai go |
AWS Kinesis vs. AWS SQS
aws kinesis sqs go comparison |
Using AWS Kinesis in Go
aws kinesis go |
Using AWS SQS in Go
aws sqs go |
Go-Redis Pipeline for HGETALL
go redis pipeline |
Lazy Update - Reduce Redis Load Method
go redis performance api |
Go End The Loop Bug
go loop |
Using mirrord JetBrains plugin for development wit...
mirrord debug jetbrains kubernetes |
GOMEMLIMIT - Mandatory To Use
go performance memory |
Publish Android Library AAR to Maven Central
maven AAR publish |
Compacting JSON Representation in GoLang
json compact go |
Simplifying creation of Go applications on Google ...
go gcp |
Which Software Engineer Should You Recruit?
interview |
Rust - I give up!
rust |
Rust Cargo Workspaces
rust |
Rust closures ans iterators
rust |
Grep sample in Rust
rust |
Testing in Rust
rust |
Rust Generics and Traits
rust |
Rust Error Handling
rust |
Rust Collections
rust |
Rust Modules
rust |
Rust Structures and Enums
rust |
Redis Dynamic Memory Analzyer
rust |
Rust Ownership
rust |
First Steps in Rust
rust |
Using MongoDB
mongodb |
Go Implementation for IP range to CIDRs
go cidr ip range subnet |
PDF split and merge in Python
python pdf split merge |
Deploy MongoDB Community on Kubernetes
mongodb kubernetes |
Callback in Java
java interface callback |
Go Logger and Logging Methodology
go logger guideline |
Go Docker Build with Internal Shared Package
go build go.mod common |
Create Storage Provisioner for AWS EKS
pvc kubernetes storageclass aws |
Capture and view network traffic
network capture wireshark |
Export and Import Kibana Dashboards using Go
elasticsearch kibana go import export |
ElasticSearch and Kibana Deployment on Kubernetes
elasticsearch kibana kubernetes |
AWS vs. GCP Costs
aws gcp cloud kubernetes cost |
How to work in Ubuntu Desktop while the Organizati...
ubuntu |
Cost Estimation For New Cloud Based Projects
aws gcp cloud kubernetes cost |
ChatGPT - Are Engineers Still Required
openai chatgpt go |
Using kind for Local Development
kind kubernetes |
React-Redux Application Coding Guidelines
guidelines |
Create Excel File in Go
excel go |
Create and Download Excel File in JavaScript
excel javascript |
Getting AWS Batch Logs in Go
aws batch log go |
Intercept Network Requests in a React Native App
react native android inrecept request network |
AWS Batch in Go
aws batch go |
Classical Information
quantum |
NPM and Dependencies
npm javascript dependencies |
Argo PostSync Hook vs Helm PostInstall Hook
argo helm build hook |
Sending Message From and To The Service Worker
javascript serviceworker message |
Detecting Obfuscated JavaScripts
obfuscation javascript |
Using Online Obfuscatation for Multiple Files
obfuscation javascript |
Parallel Images Build Using Bash Job Pool
bash build paralle job pool |
Go Error Handling
go error panic recover |
Performance Tuning for Redis based Microservices
redis go performance
GCP Jobs
gcp google cloud jobs |
GKE Autopilot - Bad Experience
gcp gke kubernetes auto pilot |
Unit Testing and System Testing? Are these the bes...
unit test project system |
Configuration VS. Code
guidelines |
Attestation Validation on Server Side using Java
attestation |
Build iOS Framework using Xcode CLI
ios xcode cli |
Using Gyroscope and Accelerometer Sensors
anrdoid sensors |
Test and Coverage for Go Modules
go test coverage |
Android Device Attestation Client Side and Server ...
android attestation |
Android Device Attestation Client Side and Server ...
android attestation
AWS EFS, and why it is a bad solution for AWS Batch
aws efs storage batch |
Using AWS Batch with boto3
aws batch python boto3 |
Using JA3 to find TLS fingerprint
tls fingerprint |
Using ECDSA in Android to Sign and Verify Messages
ecdsa encryption signature |
Installing Kubernetes version 1.24 on your Develo...
kubernetes bare metal |
Upload File to AWS S3 in Go
go aws s3 |
Classification Algorithm Performance Metrics
classification |
Spark Parallelism Use Case Analysis
spark paralle speed slow |
Using Sock4/5 HTTP Proxies
python sock4 sock5 anonymous proxy |
Multi-Selection List in React
muti select react |
Update Go's Empty Interface
go empty interface |
Python Profiling
python cpu memory |
Working with EMR Best Practices
emr spark aws |
Check Certificate in GoLang
go ssl tls |
Deploy Python Application to AWS EMR
python emr aws spark |
React-Vis Graph with Million Points and Zoom
react-vis graph speed slow big |
Custom Marshaling in GoLang
marshal go json |
Javascript Deobfuscation Tips
deobfuscation javascript |
Symmetric Encrypt and Decrypt in Golang
encryption go |
Symmetric Encrypt and Decrypt in Javascript
encryption javascript |
XMLHttpRequest Proxy
xmlhttprequest proxy capture |
A-Symmetric Encrypt and Decrypt on Golang
encryption go |
A-Symmetric Encrypt and Decrypt on JavaScript
encryption javascript |
Copy to Clipboard
javascript clipboard copy |
Using Plotly Scatter Plot in React
graph react javascript |
Using Let's Encrypt in GKE Ingress
tls ssl ingress gke gcp google cloud |
Print Git History Changes in Google Cloud Build
gcp cicd cloudbuild git history |
Installing Kubernetes on your Development Machine
kubernetes bare metal |
Remove Cilium from AWS EKS
cilium aws |
Using Random Forest in Python
random forest python |
Create your Bash Completion
bash script completion |
Locate Origin of Kubernetes Pods using Go
kubernetes pod go |
Run a Python Server in Docker
python docker flask |
Sending email using SendGrid in GO
sendgrid email server go |
Create a Graph in PDF from ElasticSearch data usin...
pdf graph elasticsearch python matplotlib pandas |
Create Redux App with ASync Ajax Calls
redux async request ajax |
GoLang Integration with Cilium and Hubble in a Kub...
cilium hubble |
Trigger an AWS CodeBuild Project by Push to CodeCo...
aws cicd codebuild trigger codecommit |
Create AWS DynamoDB using CloudFormation and a Sam...
aws cloudformation dynamodb |
Build S3 Website
aws s3 web site |
Creating ECS service using CloudFormation
aws ecs cloudformation |
Building Docker Images Using CodeBuild
aws cloudformation codebuild |
Setup CodeBuild Project using CloudFormation
aws codebuid cicd cloudformation |
Evaluating AWS Macie for Sensitive Data Protection
aws macie |
How to Create a Customized AWS AMI
aws ami image ec2 |
Managing Dependencies in Cloud Build
gcp cloudbuild cicd dependencies |
Using Google Cloud Build
gcp build cicd |
Deploy Distributed Jenkins on GCP Cloud
jenkins gcp |
Reducing GKE Pricing using Multiple Node Pools
GKE nodepool cost |
Using Go Echo as a Dynamic Reverse Proxy to Multip...
go echo proxy multiple services kubernetes |
Relative Variability
go relative variability vasriance |
GO and Race Condition
go test race condition |
IP lookup in CIDR blocks
cidr ip range go |
Disk Space issues in Ubuntu VM
diskspace ubuntu |
Open the Default Mail Client from JavaScript
javascript mail email |
Break the Glass
javascript glass emergency protect |
Using WebPack to Create Separate Distribution for ...
webpack multiple
Configure NGINX to use Different HTML for Internet...
nginx index multipe |
Java Hibernate Second Level Cache
java hibernate |
Google SRE - Applied Changes
book sre secure reliable |
Sending Parameters to Helm Named Template
helm named template parameter function |
Configure TLS for ElasticSearch in a Kubernetes De...
elasticsearch ssl tls |
Using NGINX LUA for Customized Auth Requests
nginx lua docker auth |
Create a LUA enabled NGINX docker image
nginx lua docker |
Intercept HTML Forms Submit
capture requests html javascript form |
Solving Nodes Communication Problem with Calico
calico kubernetes |
Using selenium on NodeJS
selenium nodejs simulate browser |
go-redis using SCAN command in a Redis Cluster
go redis scan |
go-redis using KEYS command in a Redis Cluster
go redis keys |
Reading from AWS Kinesis using GoLang
aws kinesis go |
CloudFront Real-Time Logging using CloudFormation
aws cloudformation log cloudfront |
Throttle API calls in GO
throttle go rate |
How To Fake Source IP XFF Header
nginx fake source ip xff |
Capture XMLHttpRequest calls
javascript xmlhttprequest capture request |
Create AWS WebACL for CloudFront using AWS SDK v2
aws webacl sdk |
Create AWS WebACL for CloudFront
aws webacl cloudfront |
Using Ingress in AWS EKS
aws eks ingress kubernetes |
Push images to AWS ECR
aws docker ecs repositry |
Create Kubernetes Cluster on AWS EKS
aws eks kubernetes |
Configure Lamda@Edge using CloudFormation
aws cloudformation lambda |
Create AWS CloudFront using CloudFormation
aws cloudformation cloudfront cdn |
Create AWS Application Load Balancer Using CloudFo...
aws cloudformation alb loadbalancer
CloudFormation - Create a VPC and an EC2 based Web...
aws cloudformation vpc ec2 |
AWS - Create a VPC and an EC2 based Web Server
aws vpc ec2 web server |
Injecting JavaScript Agent Using NGINX
nginx inject javascript |
Get the Client URL in a ServiceWorker
serviceworker javascript url location |
Kubernetes CoreDNS External Resolving
kubernetes DNS |
Using ECDSA in Python to Sign and Verify messages
ecdsa encryption python |
Using ECDSA in JavaScript to Sign and Verify messages
ecdsa encryption javascript |
Using ECDSA in GO to Sign and Verify messages
ecdsa encryption go |
Using Google Cloud CDN for a Kubernetes Deployment
gcp google cloud kubernetes cdn |
Script to Rebuild a Kubernetes Pod
kubernetes docker build script bash |
Service Worker
javascript service worker |
Support Internet Explorer using Babel Transpilation
babel internet explorer |
Persistence Volume Allocation on a Bare Metal Kube...
kubernetes pvc volume |
nginx ssl openssl key |
Use SSL for NodeJS
nodejs ssl openssl key |
Example for ANTLR usage in Python
antlr python parser lexer |
Custom Redux Middleware
redux middleware |
Web Sockets Using JavaScript Frontend and GO Backend
websocket go javascript |
Nice JavaScript Features
javascript |
HTML Content Security Policy
html csp |
Redis Pub/Sub using go-redis library
redis publish subscribe |
Using Soundex and Levenshtein-Distance in Python
similarity python soundex |
Isolation Forest GO Implementation
go forest |
Anonymizer Performance Compare GoLang vs. Python
python go |
MageCart Attack
magecart javascript client attack |
Finding Distance between Source IPs
go geoip distance cooredinates |
COVID-19 ISRAEL Data Analysis
python matplotlib graph |
Application Security Testing Tools
web site test fake ip user agent |
Writing Files to the Google Cloud Platform Storage...
gcp google cloud storage |
A Trie GO implementation
go trie |
List and Read Files from AWS S3 using GoLang
aws s3 go |
Using NGINX as a Reverse Proxy for Google OAuth 2.0
nginx proxy google oauth |
NGINX authentication using OKTA
nginx authentication okta |
Using ILM for Filebeat Indices Retention
elastic filebeat index lifecycle |
Authentication Service
authentication token |
Monitoring Redis Commands
redis monitor go |
Monitoring NGINX on Kubernetes using Prometheus
nginx prometheus |
Guidelines for a Redis Auto Scale Operator on Kube...
redis cluster scale |
How to Execute a Command on a Kubernetes Pod using...
kubernetes execute go pod command |
Client Fingerprint using fingerprintjs2
fingerprint javascript |
Questions for a Python interview
python interview |
Using GOTRACEBACK to Control the Panic Stack Trace
go panic stacktrace |
Analyze Redis Memory usage
redis memory go |
Scale your application using HPA on GKE
HorizontalPodAutoscaler kubernetes scale |
Using SSL based Ingress on Google Kubernetes Engine
kubernetes ingress TLS SSL gcp google cloud |
Delete images from a Private Docker Registry
docker images delete disksapce |
Secure connection to Kafka from a GoLang client
kafka connection secure |
Kafka Producer and Consumer in GO
kafka producer consumer go |
Deploy Apache Kafka on Kubernetes
kafka cluster kubernetes |
Deploy Apache Zookeeper on Kubernetes
zookeeper cluster kubernetes |
Report a Grafana HeatMap graph from a GO application
go prometheus grafana heatmap |
Report prometheus metrics from a GO application
go prometheus promauto metrics |
Java LinkedList vs ArrayList
interview java list |
Create a Java gRPC client
java grpc |
GO Access Control Best Practice
go best practice guidelines |
Local Outlier Factor - A simple GO implementation
go outlier lrd |
How to cleanup Google Cloud Container Registry Images
gcp google cloud docker images repository script |
Access Google Cloud BigQuery from GO
gcp bigquery |
Cloud Migration: Move Your Application to Google K...
gce google cloud kubernetes docker |
How to Create a Maven Plugin
maven plugin |
Use AWS S3 to Update Server Files
aws upload download s3 |
Capture HTTP Transactions into HAR file
capture network GO |
NGINX Performance Tuning
nginx network socket connection pool upstream |
RPC Server using GO and RabbitMQ
rpc rabbit kubernetes |
Deploy RabbitMQ Cluster on Kubernetes
rabbit cluster kubernetes |
Go Scheduler
go scheduler |
Using CSS Transitions for Animation
css transition animation |
Using a Custom React Hook for a Central Applicatio...
javascript react hook refresh |
Don't Mess With The Hibernate
java hibernate |
Akka and Spring Boot
java akka sprint boot |
React Bootstrap with NavBar React Router and Style...
javascript react bootstrap router tabs docker |
Kubernetes build automation tool
kubernetes build |
GO Shared Library
go common go.mod replace |
Dynamic Function Call using Reflection in GO
go reflection |
Redis Persistence
redis cluster config |
Using prometheus and grafana to monitor kubernetes...
prometheus grafna kubernets cpu memory |
Using NGINX auth_request to proxy to dynamically m...
nginx auth proxy express |
Monitoring a GO application using pprof
go pprof cpu memory |
Helm 2 to Helm 3 Upgrade
helm upgrade |
Helm init failure bypass
helm tiller |
Access kubernetes API from GoLang
kubernetes go connection |
Deploy Smart Contract on Ethereum using GoLang
ethereum |
Creating a kubernetes controller
kubernetes controller go |
Use cache in a docker multi stage build
docker build multi stage |
MongoDB ReplicaSet on kubernetes
mongodb cluster kubernetes |
redis cluster survivability in kubernetes
redis cluster kubernetes |
Don't use ethereum bootnode
ethereum |
Deploy redis cluster on kubernetes
redis cluster docker kubernetes |
Using websocket on client and on server side
websocket javascript |
Create GO based server using GoLand on ubuntu
go http server |
Using RxJS
javascript rxjs |
Docker cleanup using system prune
docker prune diskspace |
Create NodeJS service with kubernetes liveness and...
nodejs kubernetes service probe express |
Create NodeJS based application using Docker WebPa...
nodejs webpack babel javascript docker |
ElasticSearch bulk index using javascript
elasticsearch bulk index javascript |
Using a common javascript folder for several NodeJ...
javascript common code docker |
Automatic NPM version increment upon Jenkins build
cicd jenkins NPM version |
Ethereum contract transactions decoding
ethereum javascript |
Timelion sparse graph display
kibana timelion graph |
How to automatically load dashboards into Kibana?
kibana dashboard bash script |
Using ingress for bare metal kubernetes cluster
kubernetes ingress helm |
Jenkins pipeline for a monorepo git
jenkins pipeline git |
Create docker registry and proxy
docker registry proxy |
How to limit Kubernetes cluster resources usage
kubernetes ResourceQuota LimitRange
What is this KISS blog?
blogger |
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