Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Analyze Redis Memory usage

We have used Redis as our persistence layer, and were very pleased from its performance.
Everything went fine for several months, until we've found that the production Redis memory consumption go out of control. We are using many GB of RAM on each one of the Redis cluster nodes.

How can we analyze the problem?

We have so many keys, for various components in the system.
How much RAM is used by each component?
What is the RAM distribution among each type of Redis key?

Gladly, I have found that Redis can assist us.
It had supplied the MEMORY USAGE command, which print the memory bytes used by each key.

BUT... It can only run for a single key, and we have millions of keys.

This is when I've decided to create a small GO application to analyze the memory distribution among the various keys. 

The general idea is that each component has different prefixes for its keys, for example:
  • BOOK-book-name
  • AUTHOR-author-name
  • CUSTOMER-customer-id
So we can group the memory usage per each key prefix.
Here is the code that handles this.

package main

import (

type Memory struct {
Key string
Size uint

type Stats struct {
count uint
min uint
max uint
sum uint
avg uint

var client *redis.Client

func main() {
client = redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{
Addr: "",
Password: "",
DB: 0,

memories := getMemories()

prefixes := make(map[string]Stats)
prefixes["BOOK"] = Stats{}
prefixes["AUTHOR"] = Stats{}
prefixes["CUSTOMER"] = Stats{}

for _, memory := range memories {
updateStats(prefixes, memory)

for prefix, stats := range prefixes {
if stats.count > 0 {
stats.avg = stats.sum / stats.count
fmt.Printf("%v,%+v,%+v,%+v,%+v,%+v\n", prefix, stats.count, stats.sum, stats.avg, stats.min, stats.max)

func getMemories() []Memory {
cmd := client.Keys("*")
err := cmd.Err()
if err != nil {

keys, err := cmd.Result()
if err != nil {

var memories []Memory
for _, key := range keys {
cmd := client.MemoryUsage(key)
err := cmd.Err()
if err != nil {

value, err := cmd.Result()
if err != nil {
memory := Memory{
Key: key,
Size: uint(value),
memories = append(memories, memory)
return memories

func updateStats(prefixes map[string]Stats, memory Memory) {
for prefix, stats := range prefixes {
if strings.HasPrefix(memory.Key, prefix) {
updateByMemory(&stats, memory)
prefixes[prefix] = stats
stats := Stats{}
updateByMemory(&stats, memory)
prefixes[memory.Key] = stats

func updateByMemory(stats *Stats, memory Memory) {
if stats.max < memory.Size {
stats.max = memory.Size
if stats.min == 0 || stats.min > memory.Size {
stats.min = memory.Size
stats.sum += memory.Size

The output of this small application is a CSV file:

And can be displayed of course as a chart:

Final Notes

While working on this, I've found what seems to be a bug on Redis.
For more details, check this question at stackoverflow, and the final result is that it was merged into the go-redis library in this pull request.

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