Monday, March 6, 2023

Go Logger and Logging Methodology


In this post we will review a simple logging wrapper in Go, and discuss a logging methodology for a production grade product.

A Simple Log Wrapper

The following is a simple wrapping for logging.

package log

import (

const levelFatal = "FATAL"
const levelError = "ERROR"
const levelWarn = "WARN"
const levelInfo = "INFO"
const levelVerb = "VERB"

var zapLogger *zap.Logger

func initLogger() {
configuration := zap.NewProductionConfig()
configuration.Level = zap.NewAtomicLevelAt(zap.DebugLevel)
configuration.EncoderConfig.CallerKey = ""
var err error
zapLogger, err = configuration.Build()
if err != nil {

func writeRecord(level string, format string, v ...interface{}) {
if Config.ZapLogger {
if zapLogger == nil {
message := fmt.Sprintf(format, v...)
switch level {
case "VERB":
case "INFO":
case "WARN":
case "ERROR":
case "FATAL":
} else {
formattedTimestamp := time.Now().UTC().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05.000")
updatedFormat := fmt.Sprintf("%v %v: %v\n", formattedTimestamp, level, format)
fmt.Printf(updatedFormat, v...)

func Error(format string, v ...interface{}) {
writeRecord(levelError, format, v...)

func Fatal(format string, v ...interface{}) {
writeRecord(levelFatal, format, v...)

func Warn(format string, v ...interface{}) {
writeRecord(levelWarn, format, v...)

func Info(format string, v ...interface{}) {
writeRecord(levelInfo, format, v...)

func V1(format string, v ...interface{}) {
if Config.Verbose < 1 {
writeRecord(levelVerb, format, v...)

func V2(format string, v ...interface{}) {
if Config.Verbose < 2 {
writeRecord("VERB", format, v...)

func V5(format string, v ...interface{}) {
if Config.Verbose < 5 {
writeRecord("VERB", format, v...)

Out of the score of this post is loading of a configuration based on environment variables that includes the verbosity level, and an indication whether to use zap logger.

The gain here, is that this class encapsulate the actual log mechanism, and hence users of the log do not need to import the log library.

We also easily switch between using zap logger, which is a one liner JSON printer of the log message, suitable for production environment, where logs are collected by an automated system such as GrayLog, and between a simple STDOUT printer, suitable for a development environment where a developer manually examines the logs.

Logging Methodology

So we use this log wrapper, and everything works fine, but then, unexpectedly (or not..) we have an issue in production. Our solution is running on kubernetes which supplies the verbosity in environment variable, so we can edit the deployment, and change the verbosity to further investigate the problem.

Can we? 
Will it assist the problem investigation?

The answer is "probably not" to both questions.

In a production system, another team (devops), not the developers team, is handling the deployment on kubernetes. The devops teams are hard to reach, and will probably not like the idea of changing production configuration, so the developer will need to convince the devops that this is the only way to investigate the issue. Not a fun task.

Suppose we do change the environment variable, and start getting verbose logs. Can you analyze millions of logs manually spit from all over your code? Will the production log collection mechanism be able the handle this huge stress?

It seems we need to rethink our methodology.

A good solution is to be able to update loggers on the fly, using a central configuration GUI, while the processes/pods are running. Also, we need ability to specifically activate logs for code sections, and for specific type of data handled.

To do this, we first add a PrefixedLogger.

package log

type PrefixLogger struct {
prefix string
forceVerbose *int

func ProducePrefixLogger(
prefix string,
) *PrefixLogger {
return &PrefixLogger{
prefix: prefix,

func (p *PrefixLogger) ForceVerbose(verbose int) {
p.forceVerbose = &verbose

func (p *PrefixLogger) GetVerbose() int {
if p.forceVerbose == nil {
return Config.Verbose

return *p.forceVerbose

func (p *PrefixLogger) V1(format string, v ...interface{}) {
if p.GetVerbose() < 1 {
writeRecord(levelVerb, p.prefix+format, v...)

func (p *PrefixLogger) V2(format string, v ...interface{}) {
if p.GetVerbose() < 2 {
writeRecord(levelVerb, p.prefix+format, v...)

func (p *PrefixLogger) V5(format string, v ...interface{}) {
if p.GetVerbose() < 5 {
writeRecord(levelVerb, p.prefix+format, v...)

func (p *PrefixLogger) Info(format string, v ...interface{}) {
writeRecord(levelInfo, p.prefix+format, v...)

func (p *PrefixLogger) Warn(format string, v ...interface{}) {
writeRecord(levelWarn, p.prefix+format, v...)

func (p *PrefixLogger) Fatal(format string, v ...interface{}) {
writeRecord(levelFatal, p.prefix+format, v...)

This uses the logger, but adds a constant prefix to each log message. Allowing us later to filter messages by this text.

Next we add a logger that handles a specific type of data. In our case each data is related to a customer, and the code for a customer is PO.

type PoLogger struct {
specificEnabled bool
component string

func ProducePoLogger(
po *types.PoWithId,
component string,
prefix string,
) *PoLogger {
loggerPrefix := fmt.Sprintf("PO %v %v ", po.PoId, component)
if len(prefix) > 0 {
loggerPrefix += " " + prefix

logger := log.ProducePrefixLogger(loggerPrefix)

specificEnabled := isComponentEnabled(po.Log.Components, component)

poLogger := PoLogger{
PrefixLogger: *logger,
specificEnabled: specificEnabled,
component: component,


return &poLogger

func (l *PoLogger) IsSpecificEnabled() bool {
return l.specificEnabled

func (l *PoLogger) setVerboseByPo(po *types.PoWithId) {
verbose := log.Config.Verbose
if po.Log.Verbose > verbose {
specificEnabled := isComponentEnabled(po.Log.Components, l.component)
if len(po.Log.Components) == 0 || specificEnabled {
verbose = po.Log.Verbose


func (l *PoLogger) RefreshPo(po *types.PoWithId) {

func isComponentEnabled(components []string, myComponent string) bool {
if len(components) == 0 {
return false

for _, component := range components {
if component == myComponent {
return true

return false

The customer (PO) configuration is saved in the database, and we can update it using a dedicated GUI. This configuration includes the names of the codes sections that we want to activate. So we can both select which code to get logs for, and which customer to get logs for, which reduces to logs records amount to a reasonable amount.

Notice that the RefreshPo method needs to be activated once in a while (by a scheduler or a callback event) to ensure we use the updated logger configuration.

Final Note

Creating a maintainable product is a process that affects a product both bottom-up and top-bottom, it should be a in the back of our mind through the design and the implementation steps. An important piece of this is a good logging capability. We have reviewed the required pieces to make this happen, and as always, a code review for not just the code, but also the logging behavior is a key part to keep it working.

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