Wednesday, August 28, 2019

What is this KISS blog?

This blog is a KISS technical blog!

In many technical sites, I've found complicated long explanations that I've eventually used only 1% of them. While, in the long term, it might be great to be aware of all of the consequences of each action that we do, we usually need to do something quick, and move on.
Only later, and only for ~20% of the items, we later need to investigate more to find more about the item.

I've decided to publish some post about items I'm handling.
I will try using the following guideline:
  1. Provide minimal information about the issue I'm addressing.
  2. Give a TLDR summary of the steps to handle it.
  3. Provide additional links and information for the ones who really need it. This is intended to be used by the ones who find the post as one of their 20% of interest.
I hope you will find this blog beneficial.

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