Monday, May 8, 2023

Redis Dynamic Memory Analzyer


In previous posts, I've displayed examples for Trie implementation in GO, and for how to analyze Redis memory usage. In this post we will combine both to a dynamic analyzer of redis memory usage.

First we will change the Trie to keep some Redis related information within each of the Trie node:

package trie

import "sort"

type NodeData struct {
Count int
Size int64
NotPrintedSize int64
NotPrintedCount int
TotalSize int64

type Scanner func(path []rune, node *Node)

type Node struct {
value rune
Data *NodeData
Children map[rune]*Node

func ProduceTrie() *Node {
return &Node{
Children: make(map[rune]*Node),
Data: &NodeData{},

func (n *Node) AddNode(values []rune, size int64) {
if len(values) == 0 {
n.Data.Size = size

childName := values[0]
child, exists := n.Children[childName]
if !exists {
child = ProduceTrie()
child.value = childName
n.Children[childName] = child

child.AddNode(values[1:], size)

func (n *Node) TraverseDepthFirst(scanner Scanner) {
n.traverseDepthFirst(scanner, nil)

func (n *Node) traverseDepthFirst(scanner Scanner, path []rune) {
var newPath []rune
if path == nil {
newPath = make([]rune, 0)
} else {
newPath = make([]rune, len(path)+1)
for i, value := range path {
newPath[i] = value
newPath[len(path)] = n.value

sorted := n.sortedNodes()
for _, name := range sorted {
child := n.Children[name]
child.traverseDepthFirst(scanner, newPath)

scanner(newPath, n)

func (n *Node) sortedNodes() []rune {
sorted := make([]rune, 0)

for name := range n.Children {
sorted = append(sorted, name)
sort.Slice(sorted, func(i, j int) bool {
return sorted[i] < sorted[j]
return sorted

Notice that each trie node represents one letter, so the redis key "abc" is represented by 3 nodes.

Each of the trie node holds information about how many keys are ending in this node, which is equal to 0 in case it is only in the middle of a key (for example "a", and "b" nodes for key "abc"), and equals to 1 in case it is the end of the key (for example "c" node for key "abc"). 

In addition, each node holds information about the TotalSize of all it children recursively. 

Now we we build the trie by scanning the redis keys.

type Analyzer struct {
redisApi redisapi.RedisApi
root *trie.Node
printFraction float32
report []string

func ProduceAnalyzer(
redisApi redisapi.RedisApi,
printFraction float32,
) *Analyzer {
return &Analyzer{
redisApi: redisApi,
printFraction: printFraction,
root: trie.ProduceTrie(),

func (a *Analyzer) AnalyzeMemory(
keysPrefix string,
) string {
keys := a.redisApi.Keys(keysPrefix)
progressLog := progress.ProduceProgress(len(keys), "scan keys")

totalMemory := int64(0)
for _, key := range keys {
keyMemory, _ := a.memoryUsageSafe(key)
totalMemory += keyMemory
a.root.AddNode([]rune(key), keyMemory)

return a.getSummary()

func (a *Analyzer) memoryUsageSafe(key string) (size int64, wrappedError error) {
defer errsimple.WrapWithError(&wrappedError)
size = a.redisApi.MemoryUsage(key)
return size, wrappedError

func (a *Analyzer) buildDataBottomUp() {

func (a *Analyzer) buildDataScanner(_ []rune, node *trie.Node) {
node.Data.TotalSize = node.Data.Size

for _, child := range node.Children {
node.Data.TotalSize += child.Data.TotalSize

func (a *Analyzer) getSummary() string {
return strings.Join(, "\n")

func (a *Analyzer) printScanner(path []rune, node *trie.Node) {
totalSizeAll := float32(a.root.Data.TotalSize)
printThreshold := int64(totalSizeAll * a.printFraction)

anyChildPrinted := false
node.Data.NotPrintedSize = node.Data.Size
node.Data.NotPrintedCount = node.Data.Count
for _, child := range node.Children {
node.Data.NotPrintedSize += child.Data.NotPrintedSize
node.Data.NotPrintedCount += child.Data.NotPrintedCount
if child.Data.NotPrintedSize == 0 {
anyChildPrinted = true

if node.Data.NotPrintedSize == 0 {

if !anyChildPrinted && node.Data.NotPrintedSize < printThreshold {

nodePercentNotPrinted := 100 * float32(node.Data.NotPrintedSize) / totalSizeAll
nodePercentAll := 100 * float32(node.Data.TotalSize) / totalSizeAll
line := fmt.Sprintf(
"%9v keys, size excluding %6.3f%%, size including %6.3f%% %s",
) = append(, line)

node.Data.NotPrintedSize = 0
node.Data.NotPrintedCount = 0

The real power of this analyzer is in its dynamic representation of the memory. The analyzer builds a Trie representation of all the keys in redis with a specified prefix, but prints the Trie by a fraction value. The fraction value indicates which nodes should be printed, for example if the fraction value is 0.01, the summary includes only keys whose cumulative memory is over 1% of the redis memory. This allows a dynamic view of the redis memory, and enables a gradual analysis of the keys, while aiming to find the problematic keys.

Example of output is:

11 keys, size excluding  4.343%, size including  4.343%   aaak1
11 keys, size excluding 4.343%, size including 4.343% aaak2
11 keys, size excluding 4.343%, size including 4.343% aaak3
11 keys, size excluding 4.343%, size including 4.343% aaak4
11 keys, size excluding 2.997%, size including 2.997% aaak501
11 keys, size excluding 3.670%, size including 3.670% aaak50201
11 keys, size excluding 3.670%, size including 3.670% aaak50202
11 keys, size excluding 3.670%, size including 3.670% aaak50203
11 keys, size excluding 3.670%, size including 3.670% aaak50204
11 keys, size excluding 3.670%, size including 3.670% aaak50205
11 keys, size excluding 3.670%, size including 3.670% aaak50206
11 keys, size excluding 3.670%, size including 3.670% aaak50207
11 keys, size excluding 3.670%, size including 3.670% aaak50208
11 keys, size excluding 3.670%, size including 3.670% aaak50209
2 keys, size excluding 0.581%, size including 33.609% aaak5020
10 keys, size excluding 2.722%, size including 36.330% aaak502
11 keys, size excluding 2.997%, size including 2.997% aaak503
11 keys, size excluding 2.997%, size including 2.997% aaak504
11 keys, size excluding 2.997%, size including 2.997% aaak505
11 keys, size excluding 2.997%, size including 2.997% aaak506
11 keys, size excluding 2.997%, size including 2.997% aaak507
11 keys, size excluding 2.997%, size including 2.997% aaak508
11 keys, size excluding 2.997%, size including 2.997% aaak509
2 keys, size excluding 0.642%, size including 60.948% aaak50
10 keys, size excluding 3.945%, size including 64.893% aaak5
11 keys, size excluding 4.343%, size including 4.343% aaak6
11 keys, size excluding 4.343%, size including 4.343% aaak7
11 keys, size excluding 4.343%, size including 4.343% aaak8
11 keys, size excluding 4.343%, size including 4.343% aaak9
1 keys, size excluding 0.367%, size including 100.000% aaak

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