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Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Graphical Game in Go

In this post we review how to create a graphical application in Go.

The graphics is base on Ebitengine - a great game framework. For this post we create a bouncing balls animation. To use this library, first install the dependencies.

The main simply runs the game:

package main

import (

func main() {
g := game.ProduceGame()

if err := ebiten.RunGame(g); err != nil {

The game class is the interaction with the ebittengine framework. It implements the Layout, Update, and Draw methods.

package game

import (

type Game struct {
balls []*balls.Ball
size *point.Point
bounds []*rectangle.Rectangle

func ProduceGame() *Game {
g := Game{
size: point.ProducePoint(1000, 1000),

wall := rectangle.ProduceRectangle(
R: 40,
G: 40,
B: 40,
A: 0,
point.ProducePoint(0, 0),
innerBox := rectangle.ProduceRectangle(
point.ProducePoint(300, 300),
point.ProducePoint(600, 600),

g.bounds = []*rectangle.Rectangle{

for range 30 {

return &g

func (g *Game) randomShort() uint8 {
return uint8(rand.Uint() % 255)

func (g *Game) randomColor() color.Color {
return &color.RGBA{
R: g.randomShort(),
G: g.randomShort(),
B: g.randomShort(),
A: 0,

func (g *Game) addBall() {
radiusLimit := rand.Float32() * g.size.GetX() / 10
radius := radiusLimit
center := point.RandomPoint(g.size.AddAxis(-2 * radius))
center = center.AddAxis(radius)

ballCircle := circle.ProduceCircle(center, radius)
newBall := balls.ProduceBall(
g.balls = append(g.balls, newBall)

func (g *Game) Update() error {
for _, ball := range g.balls {
return nil

func (g *Game) Draw(screen *ebiten.Image) {
for _, bound := range g.bounds {
for _, ball := range g.balls {

func (g *Game) Layout(_, _ int) (screenWidth, screenHeight int) {
return g.size.GetXTruncated(), g.size.GetYTruncated()

We have basic point class:

package point

import (

type Point struct {
x float32
y float32

func ProducePoint(
x float32,
y float32,
) *Point {
return &Point{
x: x,
y: y,

func RandomPoint(
limits *Point,
) *Point {
x := rand.Float32() * limits.GetX()
y := rand.Float32() * limits.GetY()
return ProducePoint(x, y)

func (p *Point) GetX() float32 {
return p.x

func (p *Point) GetY() float32 {
return p.y

func (p *Point) GetXTruncated() int {
return int(p.x)

func (p *Point) GetYTruncated() int {
return int(p.y)

func (p *Point) AddPoint(
other *Point,
) *Point {
return ProducePoint(p.x+other.x, p.y+other.y)

func (p *Point) AddAxis(
value float32,
) *Point {
return ProducePoint(p.x+value, p.y+value)

func (p *Point) DivideAxis(
value float32,
) *Point {
return ProducePoint(p.x/value, p.y/value)

func (p *Point) MultiplyAxis(
value float32,
) *Point {
return ProducePoint(p.x*value, p.y*value)

func (p *Point) SubtractPoint(
other *Point,
) *Point {
return ProducePoint(p.x-other.x, p.y-other.y)

func (p *Point) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("(%.2f, %.2f)", p.x, p.y)

func (p *Point) Distance(
other *Point,
) float32 {
delta := p.SubtractPoint(other)
return float32(math.Sqrt(float64(delta.x*delta.x + delta.y*delta.y)))

And a circle class:

package circle

import (

type Circle struct {
center *point.Point
radius float32

func ProduceCircle(
center *point.Point,
radius float32,
) *Circle {
return &Circle{
center: center,
radius: radius,

func (c *Circle) GetCenter() *point.Point {
return c.center

func (c *Circle) GetRadius() float32 {
return c.radius

func (c *Circle) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("center %v, radius %v", c.center, c.radius)

The line class is more complex as it need to find intersection points:

package line

import (

type Line struct {
start *point.Point
end *point.Point

func ProduceLine(
start *point.Point,
end *point.Point,
) *Line {
return &Line{
start: start,
end: end,

func (l *Line) Extend(
distance float32,
) *Line {
delta := l.end.SubtractPoint(l.start)
magnitude := math.Sqrt(float64(delta.GetX()*delta.GetX() + delta.GetY()*delta.GetY()))
normalized := delta.DivideAxis(float32(magnitude))
extendedVector := normalized.MultiplyAxis(distance)

newEnd := point.ProducePoint(

return ProduceLine(

func (l *Line) GetStart() *point.Point {
return l.start


func (l *Line) IsVertical() bool {
return l.start.GetX() == l.end.GetX()

func (l *Line) FindIntersectionLine(
other *Line,
) *point.Point {
if l.IsVertical() || other.IsVertical() {
return l.findIntersectionAtLeastOneVertical(other)
return l.findIntersectionNonVertical(other)

func (l *Line) findIntersectionAtLeastOneVertical(
other *Line,
) *point.Point {
if l.IsVertical() && other.IsVertical() {
// if we have multiple crossing point - ignore
return nil

if l.IsVertical() {
return l.findIntersectionOnlyIVertical(other)
return other.findIntersectionOnlyIVertical(l)

func (l *Line) findIntersectionNonVertical(
other *Line,
) *point.Point {
mySlope := l.getEquationSlope()
otherSlope := other.getEquationSlope()
if kitmath.Float32Equal(mySlope, otherSlope) {
// if we have multiple crossing point - ignore
return nil

myB := l.getEquationB()
otherB := other.getEquationB()

x := (otherB - myB) / (mySlope - otherSlope)
y := mySlope*x + myB

intersection := point.ProducePoint(x, y)
if l.containsPoint(intersection) && other.containsPoint(intersection) {
return intersection

return nil

func (l *Line) containsY(
y float32,
) bool {
minY := min(l.start.GetY(), l.end.GetY())
maxY := max(l.start.GetY(), l.end.GetY())
return minY <= y && y <= maxY

func (l *Line) containsX(
x float32,
) bool {
minX := min(l.start.GetX(), l.end.GetX())
maxX := max(l.start.GetX(), l.end.GetX())
return minX <= x && x <= maxX

func (l *Line) getEquationSlope() float32 {
delta := l.start.SubtractPoint(l.end)
return delta.GetY() / delta.GetX()

func (l *Line) getEquationB() float32 {
slope := l.getEquationSlope()
return l.start.GetY() - slope*l.start.GetX()

func (l *Line) findIntersectionOnlyIVertical(
other *Line,
) *point.Point {
x := l.start.GetX()

if !other.containsX(x) {
return nil

y := other.getEquationSlope()*x + other.getEquationB()
if !l.containsY(y) {
return nil

return point.ProducePoint(x, y)

func (l *Line) containsPoint(
location *point.Point,
) bool {
return l.containsX(location.GetX()) && l.containsY(location.GetY())

func (l *Line) FindIntersectionCircle(
circle *circle.Circle,
) []*point.Point {
var limitedIntersections []*point.Point
intersections := l.findIntersectionCircleUnlimited(circle)
for _, intersection := range intersections {
if !l.containsPoint(intersection) {
limitedIntersections = append(limitedIntersections, intersection)

return limitedIntersections

func (l *Line) findIntersectionCircleUnlimited(
circle *circle.Circle,
) []*point.Point {
if l.IsVertical() {
return l.findIntersectionCircleVertical(circle)
return l.findIntersectionCircleHorizontal(circle)

func (l *Line) findIntersectionCircleVertical(
circle *circle.Circle,
) []*point.Point {
c := l.start.GetX()
x0 := circle.GetCenter().GetX()
y0 := circle.GetCenter().GetY()
r := circle.GetRadius()

inner := r*r - (c-x0)*(c-x0)
if inner < 0 {
return nil

if inner == 0 {
return []*point.Point{
point.ProducePoint(c, y0),

innerSqrt := float32(math.Sqrt(float64(inner)))
return []*point.Point{
point.ProducePoint(c, y0+innerSqrt),
point.ProducePoint(c, y0-innerSqrt),

func (l *Line) findIntersectionCircleHorizontal(
circle *circle.Circle,
) []*point.Point {
c := l.start.GetY()
x0 := circle.GetCenter().GetX()
y0 := circle.GetCenter().GetY()
r := circle.GetRadius()

inner := r*r - (c-y0)*(c-y0)
if inner < 0 {
return nil

if inner == 0 {
return []*point.Point{
point.ProducePoint(x0, c),

innerSqrt := float32(math.Sqrt(float64(inner)))
return []*point.Point{
point.ProducePoint(x0+innerSqrt, c),
point.ProducePoint(x0-innerSqrt, c),

func (l *Line) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("start %v end %v", l.start, l.end)

The rectangle class is used to represent both the screen edges, and obstacles.

package rectangle

import (

type Rectangle struct {
color color.Color
topLeft *point.Point
bottomRight *point.Point

func ProduceRectangle(
color color.Color,
topLeft *point.Point,
bottomRight *point.Point,
) *Rectangle {
return &Rectangle{
color: color,
topLeft: topLeft,
bottomRight: bottomRight,

func (r *Rectangle) getLines() []*line.Line {
topRight := point.ProducePoint(r.bottomRight.GetX(), r.topLeft.GetY())
bottomLeft := point.ProducePoint(r.topLeft.GetX(), r.bottomRight.GetY())

return []*line.Line{
line.ProduceLine(r.topLeft, topRight),
line.ProduceLine(topRight, r.bottomRight),
line.ProduceLine(r.bottomRight, bottomLeft),
line.ProduceLine(bottomLeft, r.topLeft),

func (r *Rectangle) FindIntersectionCircle(
circle *circle.Circle,
) (*point.Point, *line.Line) {
var minDistance float32
var intersectionLine *line.Line
var intersectionPoint *point.Point
for _, lineBound := range r.getLines() {
boundIntersections := lineBound.FindIntersectionCircle(circle)
for _, boundIntersection := range boundIntersections {
distance := circle.GetCenter().Distance(boundIntersection)
if intersectionLine == nil || distance < minDistance {
minDistance = distance
intersectionLine = lineBound
intersectionPoint = boundIntersection
return intersectionPoint, intersectionLine

func (r *Rectangle) FindIntersectionLine(
moveLine *line.Line,
) (*point.Point, *line.Line) {
var minDistance float32
var intersectionLine *line.Line
var intersectionPoint *point.Point
for _, lineBound := range r.getLines() {
boundIntersection := lineBound.FindIntersectionLine(moveLine)
if boundIntersection == nil {
distance := moveLine.GetStart().Distance(boundIntersection)
if intersectionLine == nil || distance < minDistance {
minDistance = distance
intersectionLine = lineBound
intersectionPoint = boundIntersection
return intersectionPoint, intersectionLine

func (r *Rectangle) Draw(screen *ebiten.Image) {
delta := r.bottomRight.SubtractPoint(r.topLeft)

The velocity class is:

package velocity

import (

type Velocity struct {
speed float32
angleRadian float32

func ProduceVelocity(
speed float32,
angle float32,
) *Velocity {
return &Velocity{
speed: speed,
angleRadian: angle,
func ProduceRandomVelocity(
speedLimit float32,
) *Velocity {
speed := rand.Float32() * speedLimit
angle := rand.Float32() * 2 * math.Pi
return ProduceVelocity(speed, angle)

func (v *Velocity) Apply(
location *point.Point,
) *point.Point {
x := location.GetX() + v.speed*float32(math.Cos(float64(v.angleRadian)))
y := location.GetY() + v.speed*float32(math.Sin(float64(v.angleRadian)))
return point.ProducePoint(x, y)

func (v *Velocity) isLeft() bool {
return v.angleRadian > math.Pi/2 && v.angleRadian < 1.5*math.Pi

func (v *Velocity) isRight() bool {
return v.angleRadian < math.Pi/2 || v.angleRadian > 1.5*math.Pi

func (v *Velocity) Bounce(
line *line.Line,
) *Velocity {
if line.IsVertical() {
return v.bounceVertical()
return v.bounceHorizontal()

func (v *Velocity) bounceVertical() *Velocity {
if v.angleRadian < math.Pi {
return ProduceVelocity(v.speed, math.Pi-v.angleRadian)
return ProduceVelocity(v.speed, 3*math.Pi-v.angleRadian)

func (v *Velocity) bounceHorizontal() *Velocity {
return ProduceVelocity(v.speed, 2*math.Pi-v.angleRadian)

func (v *Velocity) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("speed %.2f angle %.2f", v.speed, v.angleRadian)

And the ball class represents a ball with circle an velocity. It handles it own movement.

package balls

import (

type Ball struct {
circle *circle.Circle
color color.Color
velocity *velocity.Velocity

func ProduceBall(
circle *circle.Circle,
color color.Color,
velocity *velocity.Velocity,
) *Ball {
return &Ball{
circle: circle,
color: color,
velocity: velocity,

func (b *Ball) Update(
bounds []*rectangle.Rectangle,
) {
newCenter := b.velocity.Apply(b.circle.GetCenter())
newCircle := circle.ProduceCircle(newCenter, b.circle.GetRadius())

for _, bound := range bounds {
currentIntersection, _ := bound.FindIntersectionCircle(b.circle)
if currentIntersection != nil {
// while we are intersecting, we do not bounce
b.circle = circle.ProduceCircle(newCenter, b.circle.GetRadius())

var minDistance *float32
var bouncedLine *line.Line
for _, bound := range bounds {
intersectionPoint, intersectionLine := bound.FindIntersectionCircle(newCircle)
if intersectionPoint == nil {

distance := b.circle.GetCenter().Distance(intersectionPoint)
if minDistance == nil || distance < *minDistance {
minDistance = &distance
bouncedLine = intersectionLine

if minDistance != nil {
b.velocity = b.velocity.Bounce(bouncedLine)
newCenter = b.velocity.Apply(b.circle.GetCenter())

b.circle = circle.ProduceCircle(newCenter, b.circle.GetRadius())

func (b *Ball) Draw(screen *ebiten.Image) {

func (b *Ball) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v velocity %v color %v", b.circle, b.velocity, b.color)

We also have a math helper class:

package kitmath

var grace = float32(0.001)

func Float32Equal(
f1 float32,
f2 float32,
) bool {
delta := f1 - f2
return -grace <= delta && delta <= grace

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