Monday, February 13, 2023

Capture and view network traffic


In this post we will show the steps to capture and view network traffic on a local ubuntu machine. This is useful when we need to check a specific application ingress and egress traffic.

For this post we will use the "application" curl.


We start by capturing the traffic using the tcpdump. The tcpdump creates a dump of all the network packets on a specific interface or for a specific host. For this example we will capture all traffic on a specific interface. To get the list of interfaces on the machine use the command:

ip a

and then run the tcpdump, for example:

sudo tcpdump -i enp0s31f6 -w dump.pcap

Notice that the tcpdump gets two arguments here: the interface name, and the pcap output file which includes the captured packets. The tcpdump will keep capturing traffic until we stop it using Ctrl+C.

We keep the tcpdump running, and in another terminal we run our application:


Now we can stop the capturing using Ctrl+C, and we have a pcap file with the captured network packets.


To view the pcap file, the most common application is wireshark. To install wireshark, use the following command:

sudo apt install wireshark

And then run it:

sudo wireshark

In the wireshark application, select file and open the dump.pcap file.

This now displays all the network packets, but in most cases, we just want to see http packets, so in the wireshark display filter, type http, and click enter.

We can now see the http related packets, and inspect the ingress and egress traffic, divided by the related protocol layers.

Final Note

In this post we have captured and viewed http traffic for an application. Notice that HTTPS traffic will not be clear text as it is encrypted. To view decrypted traffic, use the steps described here

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