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Tuesday, December 10, 2024

JWT Attacks

In this post we review 3 methods of JWT attacks. 

Why should we know about these attacks? TO better understand how to protected and test our servers and applications.

JSON Web Tokens are an open, industry standard RFC 7519 method for representing claims securely between two parties.

From https://jwt.io/


The JWT includes 3 sections:

1. The header, which contains the algorithm used for signature.

2. The claims - a JSON of specifications about the logged-in user.

3. A signature of #1 + #2

Let's review 3 types of authorization attacks based on this.

1. Omit The Authorization Header

The simplest attack: an attack tries accessing the API without authorization header. This can work if for some reason the programmer had forgotten to add authorization validation on the API implementation.

To check this, we use an existing valid request, remove the Authorization header, and resent it.

2. Self Signed JWT

JWT section #3 is the JWT signature which ensures the JWT was created by an authorized entity. In most servers framework validation of the signature can be disabled for debugging purposes. This can be done globally for the server and specificall for an API. crutial

To check this, we use an existing valid request, decode the JWT token from the Authorization header, and sign it with a random secret.

3. Use The "None" Algorithm

The application server and API implementation must restrict the signing algorithm to the only one the server is using. Failure to do this due to debuggin purposes of due to a configuration problem would enable the "None" attack.

To check this, we use an existing valid request, decode the JWT token from the Authorization header, and sign without a secret while using the None algorithm.

Final Words

We're reviewed 3 types of JWT attacks. It is crucial to add validation as part of any deployment and upgrade that our entire APIs schema is not exposed to any of these attacks.

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Graphical Game in Go

In this post we review how to create a graphical application in Go.

The graphics is base on Ebitengine - a great game framework. For this post we create a bouncing balls animation. To use this library, first install the dependencies.

The main simply runs the game:

package main

import (

func main() {
g := game.ProduceGame()

if err := ebiten.RunGame(g); err != nil {

The game class is the interaction with the ebittengine framework. It implements the Layout, Update, and Draw methods.

package game

import (

type Game struct {
balls []*balls.Ball
size *point.Point
bounds []*rectangle.Rectangle

func ProduceGame() *Game {
g := Game{
size: point.ProducePoint(1000, 1000),

wall := rectangle.ProduceRectangle(
R: 40,
G: 40,
B: 40,
A: 0,
point.ProducePoint(0, 0),
innerBox := rectangle.ProduceRectangle(
point.ProducePoint(300, 300),
point.ProducePoint(600, 600),

g.bounds = []*rectangle.Rectangle{

for range 30 {

return &g

func (g *Game) randomShort() uint8 {
return uint8(rand.Uint() % 255)

func (g *Game) randomColor() color.Color {
return &color.RGBA{
R: g.randomShort(),
G: g.randomShort(),
B: g.randomShort(),
A: 0,

func (g *Game) addBall() {
radiusLimit := rand.Float32() * g.size.GetX() / 10
radius := radiusLimit
center := point.RandomPoint(g.size.AddAxis(-2 * radius))
center = center.AddAxis(radius)

ballCircle := circle.ProduceCircle(center, radius)
newBall := balls.ProduceBall(
g.balls = append(g.balls, newBall)

func (g *Game) Update() error {
for _, ball := range g.balls {
return nil

func (g *Game) Draw(screen *ebiten.Image) {
for _, bound := range g.bounds {
for _, ball := range g.balls {

func (g *Game) Layout(_, _ int) (screenWidth, screenHeight int) {
return g.size.GetXTruncated(), g.size.GetYTruncated()

We have basic point class:

package point

import (

type Point struct {
x float32
y float32

func ProducePoint(
x float32,
y float32,
) *Point {
return &Point{
x: x,
y: y,

func RandomPoint(
limits *Point,
) *Point {
x := rand.Float32() * limits.GetX()
y := rand.Float32() * limits.GetY()
return ProducePoint(x, y)

func (p *Point) GetX() float32 {
return p.x

func (p *Point) GetY() float32 {
return p.y

func (p *Point) GetXTruncated() int {
return int(p.x)

func (p *Point) GetYTruncated() int {
return int(p.y)

func (p *Point) AddPoint(
other *Point,
) *Point {
return ProducePoint(p.x+other.x, p.y+other.y)

func (p *Point) AddAxis(
value float32,
) *Point {
return ProducePoint(p.x+value, p.y+value)

func (p *Point) DivideAxis(
value float32,
) *Point {
return ProducePoint(p.x/value, p.y/value)

func (p *Point) MultiplyAxis(
value float32,
) *Point {
return ProducePoint(p.x*value, p.y*value)

func (p *Point) SubtractPoint(
other *Point,
) *Point {
return ProducePoint(p.x-other.x, p.y-other.y)

func (p *Point) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("(%.2f, %.2f)", p.x, p.y)

func (p *Point) Distance(
other *Point,
) float32 {
delta := p.SubtractPoint(other)
return float32(math.Sqrt(float64(delta.x*delta.x + delta.y*delta.y)))

And a circle class:

package circle

import (

type Circle struct {
center *point.Point
radius float32

func ProduceCircle(
center *point.Point,
radius float32,
) *Circle {
return &Circle{
center: center,
radius: radius,

func (c *Circle) GetCenter() *point.Point {
return c.center

func (c *Circle) GetRadius() float32 {
return c.radius

func (c *Circle) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("center %v, radius %v", c.center, c.radius)

The line class is more complex as it need to find intersection points:

package line

import (

type Line struct {
start *point.Point
end *point.Point

func ProduceLine(
start *point.Point,
end *point.Point,
) *Line {
return &Line{
start: start,
end: end,

func (l *Line) Extend(
distance float32,
) *Line {
delta := l.end.SubtractPoint(l.start)
magnitude := math.Sqrt(float64(delta.GetX()*delta.GetX() + delta.GetY()*delta.GetY()))
normalized := delta.DivideAxis(float32(magnitude))
extendedVector := normalized.MultiplyAxis(distance)

newEnd := point.ProducePoint(

return ProduceLine(

func (l *Line) GetStart() *point.Point {
return l.start


func (l *Line) IsVertical() bool {
return l.start.GetX() == l.end.GetX()

func (l *Line) FindIntersectionLine(
other *Line,
) *point.Point {
if l.IsVertical() || other.IsVertical() {
return l.findIntersectionAtLeastOneVertical(other)
return l.findIntersectionNonVertical(other)

func (l *Line) findIntersectionAtLeastOneVertical(
other *Line,
) *point.Point {
if l.IsVertical() && other.IsVertical() {
// if we have multiple crossing point - ignore
return nil

if l.IsVertical() {
return l.findIntersectionOnlyIVertical(other)
return other.findIntersectionOnlyIVertical(l)

func (l *Line) findIntersectionNonVertical(
other *Line,
) *point.Point {
mySlope := l.getEquationSlope()
otherSlope := other.getEquationSlope()
if kitmath.Float32Equal(mySlope, otherSlope) {
// if we have multiple crossing point - ignore
return nil

myB := l.getEquationB()
otherB := other.getEquationB()

x := (otherB - myB) / (mySlope - otherSlope)
y := mySlope*x + myB

intersection := point.ProducePoint(x, y)
if l.containsPoint(intersection) && other.containsPoint(intersection) {
return intersection

return nil

func (l *Line) containsY(
y float32,
) bool {
minY := min(l.start.GetY(), l.end.GetY())
maxY := max(l.start.GetY(), l.end.GetY())
return minY <= y && y <= maxY

func (l *Line) containsX(
x float32,
) bool {
minX := min(l.start.GetX(), l.end.GetX())
maxX := max(l.start.GetX(), l.end.GetX())
return minX <= x && x <= maxX

func (l *Line) getEquationSlope() float32 {
delta := l.start.SubtractPoint(l.end)
return delta.GetY() / delta.GetX()

func (l *Line) getEquationB() float32 {
slope := l.getEquationSlope()
return l.start.GetY() - slope*l.start.GetX()

func (l *Line) findIntersectionOnlyIVertical(
other *Line,
) *point.Point {
x := l.start.GetX()

if !other.containsX(x) {
return nil

y := other.getEquationSlope()*x + other.getEquationB()
if !l.containsY(y) {
return nil

return point.ProducePoint(x, y)

func (l *Line) containsPoint(
location *point.Point,
) bool {
return l.containsX(location.GetX()) && l.containsY(location.GetY())

func (l *Line) FindIntersectionCircle(
circle *circle.Circle,
) []*point.Point {
var limitedIntersections []*point.Point
intersections := l.findIntersectionCircleUnlimited(circle)
for _, intersection := range intersections {
if !l.containsPoint(intersection) {
limitedIntersections = append(limitedIntersections, intersection)

return limitedIntersections

func (l *Line) findIntersectionCircleUnlimited(
circle *circle.Circle,
) []*point.Point {
if l.IsVertical() {
return l.findIntersectionCircleVertical(circle)
return l.findIntersectionCircleHorizontal(circle)

func (l *Line) findIntersectionCircleVertical(
circle *circle.Circle,
) []*point.Point {
c := l.start.GetX()
x0 := circle.GetCenter().GetX()
y0 := circle.GetCenter().GetY()
r := circle.GetRadius()

inner := r*r - (c-x0)*(c-x0)
if inner < 0 {
return nil

if inner == 0 {
return []*point.Point{
point.ProducePoint(c, y0),

innerSqrt := float32(math.Sqrt(float64(inner)))
return []*point.Point{
point.ProducePoint(c, y0+innerSqrt),
point.ProducePoint(c, y0-innerSqrt),

func (l *Line) findIntersectionCircleHorizontal(
circle *circle.Circle,
) []*point.Point {
c := l.start.GetY()
x0 := circle.GetCenter().GetX()
y0 := circle.GetCenter().GetY()
r := circle.GetRadius()

inner := r*r - (c-y0)*(c-y0)
if inner < 0 {
return nil

if inner == 0 {
return []*point.Point{
point.ProducePoint(x0, c),

innerSqrt := float32(math.Sqrt(float64(inner)))
return []*point.Point{
point.ProducePoint(x0+innerSqrt, c),
point.ProducePoint(x0-innerSqrt, c),

func (l *Line) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("start %v end %v", l.start, l.end)

The rectangle class is used to represent both the screen edges, and obstacles.

package rectangle

import (

type Rectangle struct {
color color.Color
topLeft *point.Point
bottomRight *point.Point

func ProduceRectangle(
color color.Color,
topLeft *point.Point,
bottomRight *point.Point,
) *Rectangle {
return &Rectangle{
color: color,
topLeft: topLeft,
bottomRight: bottomRight,

func (r *Rectangle) getLines() []*line.Line {
topRight := point.ProducePoint(r.bottomRight.GetX(), r.topLeft.GetY())
bottomLeft := point.ProducePoint(r.topLeft.GetX(), r.bottomRight.GetY())

return []*line.Line{
line.ProduceLine(r.topLeft, topRight),
line.ProduceLine(topRight, r.bottomRight),
line.ProduceLine(r.bottomRight, bottomLeft),
line.ProduceLine(bottomLeft, r.topLeft),

func (r *Rectangle) FindIntersectionCircle(
circle *circle.Circle,
) (*point.Point, *line.Line) {
var minDistance float32
var intersectionLine *line.Line
var intersectionPoint *point.Point
for _, lineBound := range r.getLines() {
boundIntersections := lineBound.FindIntersectionCircle(circle)
for _, boundIntersection := range boundIntersections {
distance := circle.GetCenter().Distance(boundIntersection)
if intersectionLine == nil || distance < minDistance {
minDistance = distance
intersectionLine = lineBound
intersectionPoint = boundIntersection
return intersectionPoint, intersectionLine

func (r *Rectangle) FindIntersectionLine(
moveLine *line.Line,
) (*point.Point, *line.Line) {
var minDistance float32
var intersectionLine *line.Line
var intersectionPoint *point.Point
for _, lineBound := range r.getLines() {
boundIntersection := lineBound.FindIntersectionLine(moveLine)
if boundIntersection == nil {
distance := moveLine.GetStart().Distance(boundIntersection)
if intersectionLine == nil || distance < minDistance {
minDistance = distance
intersectionLine = lineBound
intersectionPoint = boundIntersection
return intersectionPoint, intersectionLine

func (r *Rectangle) Draw(screen *ebiten.Image) {
delta := r.bottomRight.SubtractPoint(r.topLeft)

The velocity class is:

package velocity

import (

type Velocity struct {
speed float32
angleRadian float32

func ProduceVelocity(
speed float32,
angle float32,
) *Velocity {
return &Velocity{
speed: speed,
angleRadian: angle,
func ProduceRandomVelocity(
speedLimit float32,
) *Velocity {
speed := rand.Float32() * speedLimit
angle := rand.Float32() * 2 * math.Pi
return ProduceVelocity(speed, angle)

func (v *Velocity) Apply(
location *point.Point,
) *point.Point {
x := location.GetX() + v.speed*float32(math.Cos(float64(v.angleRadian)))
y := location.GetY() + v.speed*float32(math.Sin(float64(v.angleRadian)))
return point.ProducePoint(x, y)

func (v *Velocity) isLeft() bool {
return v.angleRadian > math.Pi/2 && v.angleRadian < 1.5*math.Pi

func (v *Velocity) isRight() bool {
return v.angleRadian < math.Pi/2 || v.angleRadian > 1.5*math.Pi

func (v *Velocity) Bounce(
line *line.Line,
) *Velocity {
if line.IsVertical() {
return v.bounceVertical()
return v.bounceHorizontal()

func (v *Velocity) bounceVertical() *Velocity {
if v.angleRadian < math.Pi {
return ProduceVelocity(v.speed, math.Pi-v.angleRadian)
return ProduceVelocity(v.speed, 3*math.Pi-v.angleRadian)

func (v *Velocity) bounceHorizontal() *Velocity {
return ProduceVelocity(v.speed, 2*math.Pi-v.angleRadian)

func (v *Velocity) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("speed %.2f angle %.2f", v.speed, v.angleRadian)

And the ball class represents a ball with circle an velocity. It handles it own movement.

package balls

import (

type Ball struct {
circle *circle.Circle
color color.Color
velocity *velocity.Velocity

func ProduceBall(
circle *circle.Circle,
color color.Color,
velocity *velocity.Velocity,
) *Ball {
return &Ball{
circle: circle,
color: color,
velocity: velocity,

func (b *Ball) Update(
bounds []*rectangle.Rectangle,
) {
newCenter := b.velocity.Apply(b.circle.GetCenter())
newCircle := circle.ProduceCircle(newCenter, b.circle.GetRadius())

for _, bound := range bounds {
currentIntersection, _ := bound.FindIntersectionCircle(b.circle)
if currentIntersection != nil {
// while we are intersecting, we do not bounce
b.circle = circle.ProduceCircle(newCenter, b.circle.GetRadius())

var minDistance *float32
var bouncedLine *line.Line
for _, bound := range bounds {
intersectionPoint, intersectionLine := bound.FindIntersectionCircle(newCircle)
if intersectionPoint == nil {

distance := b.circle.GetCenter().Distance(intersectionPoint)
if minDistance == nil || distance < *minDistance {
minDistance = &distance
bouncedLine = intersectionLine

if minDistance != nil {
b.velocity = b.velocity.Bounce(bouncedLine)
newCenter = b.velocity.Apply(b.circle.GetCenter())

b.circle = circle.ProduceCircle(newCenter, b.circle.GetRadius())

func (b *Ball) Draw(screen *ebiten.Image) {

func (b *Ball) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v velocity %v color %v", b.circle, b.velocity, b.color)

We also have a math helper class:

package kitmath

var grace = float32(0.001)

func Float32Equal(
f1 float32,
f2 float32,
) bool {
delta := f1 - f2
return -grace <= delta && delta <= grace

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Redpanda Connect Introduction


Redpanda Connect, previously known as Benthos, is a streaming pipeline that reads and write messages from/to many connectors. It enables transforming the messages using built-in processors. The goal of this framework is to enable us connect and convert data streams without writing a proprietary code, but only using a configuration file with minimal dedicated processing code. 

To install use the following:

curl -LO https://github.com/redpanda-data/redpanda/releases/latest/download/rpk-linux-amd64.zip
unzip rpk-linux-amd64.zip
sudo mv rpk /usr/local/bin/
rm rpk-linux-amd64.zip

Create a file named connect.yaml:

stdin: {}

- mapping: root = content().uppercase()

stdout: {}

And run it:

rpk connect run connect.yaml

Now any input to the STDIN is copied to the STDOUT.

While Redpanda connect can manage string messages, most f its abilities are built toward JSON messages handling. For example, consider the following connect.yaml file:

interval: 1s
count: 0
mapping: |
let first_name = fake("first_name")
let last_name = fake("last_name")

root.id = counter()
root.name = ($first_name + " " + $last_name)
root.timestamp = now()

- sleep:
duration: 100ms
- group_by:
- check: this.id % 2 == 0
- mapping: |
root.original_doc = this
root.encoded = this.name.hash("sha256").encode("base64")

stdout: {}

It will generate the following output:

{"id":1,"name":"Ivah Mohr","timestamp":"2024-11-27T16:36:37.542410543+02:00"}
{"encoded":"oaaBKF/7oz0N6j6VlSZs14u8FD2dAwPSBAoJvIIMpWI=","original_doc":{"id":2,"name":"Darrion Miller","timestamp":"2024-11-27T16:36:38.541429372+02:00"}}
{"id":3,"name":"Maddison Paucek","timestamp":"2024-11-27T16:36:39.542047832+02:00"}
{"encoded":"+e6EyBEILJYStdV+DH6cohEVvfW04VTo1q2YLXp4ft8=","original_doc":{"id":4,"name":"Eleazar Sporer","timestamp":"2024-11-27T16:36:40.542410537+02:00"}}
{"id":5,"name":"Junius Renner","timestamp":"2024-11-27T16:36:41.542298415+02:00"}
{"encoded":"A4o97ySPf9yWFMXcutPBiI6a6Fd19ofqBmK/7s84ZZ4=","original_doc":{"id":6,"name":"Carlie Osinski","timestamp":"2024-11-27T16:36:42.542277315+02:00"}}
{"id":7,"name":"Raphaelle Reichel","timestamp":"2024-11-27T16:36:43.542382662+02:00"}
{"encoded":"U+pLsYjRaWH87nUFdZmRLJwvGrIfUOCYeUrazKGoEHA=","original_doc":{"id":8,"name":"Elmira Douglas","timestamp":"2024-11-27T16:36:44.542245761+02:00"}}
{"id":9,"name":"Ambrose Hudson","timestamp":"2024-11-27T16:36:45.542307678+02:00"}
{"encoded":"J2NxrIaC1cvHtqIduSOx85TlyFLQrT48QaYw8iR9To0=","original_doc":{"id":10,"name":"Jedidiah Veum","timestamp":"2024-11-27T16:36:46.542276779+02:00"}}

Final Words

Yeah, that's cool: You save time coding and fixing bugs. This is nice if you need a simple fast and reliable pipeline.
However, in real life you will usually require more the the builtin abilities, and then you need to extend Redpanda Connect with your own code in GO. Is it better than just writing all in GO? I think it depends on how much bugs do you expect from the programmer.

Monday, November 18, 2024

Go ReadLine for Long Lines


In this post we present the correct method of reading lines from a long text in GO.

The naive method of reading lines in go is using bufio.Scanner:

scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)
for scanner.Scan() {

This does not work in case of long lines. Instead, we should use bufio.Reader. However, the compiling of long lines is cumbersome, and a KISS wrapper is missing in the GO standard library, hence I've created it myself.

import (

type LineReader struct {
reader *bufio.Reader
isEof bool

func ProduceLineReader(
text string,
) *LineReader {
reader := bufio.NewReader(strings.NewReader(text))

return &LineReader{
reader: reader,
isEof: false,

func (r *LineReader) GetLine() string {
var longLineBuffer *strings.Builder
multiLines := false
for {
line, isPrefix, err := r.reader.ReadLine()
if err == io.EOF {
r.isEof = true
return ""

if isPrefix {
multiLines = true

if !multiLines {
// simple single line
return string(line)

if longLineBuffer == nil {
// create only if needed - better performance
longLineBuffer = &strings.Builder{}

if !isPrefix {
// end of long line
return longLineBuffer.String()

func (r *LineReader) IsEof() bool {
return r.isEof

An example of usage is:

reader := kitstring.ProduceLineReader(text)
for {
line := reader.GetLine()
if reader.IsEof() {
t.Log("read line: %v", line)

Monday, November 11, 2024

OpenAPI Schema In Go


In this post we present a utilty to produce an OpenAPI file using GO commands. This is useful in case the application detects the schema, and is required to supply an OpenAPI file of the detected schema.

package openapi

import (

const applicationJson = "application/json"

type InLocation int

const (
InLocationQuery InLocation = iota + 1

type SchemaType int

const (
SchemaTypeString SchemaType = iota + 1

type Info struct {
Title string `yaml:"title,omitempty"`
Description string `yaml:"description,omitempty"`
Version string `yaml:"version,omitempty"`

type Schema struct {
Type string `yaml:"type,omitempty"`
Enum []string `yaml:"enum,omitempty"`
Properties map[string]*Schema `yaml:"properties,omitempty"`
Items *Schema `yaml:"items,omitempty"`

type Parameter struct {
In string `yaml:"in,omitempty"`
Name string `yaml:"name,omitempty"`
Description string `yaml:"description,omitempty"`
Required bool `yaml:"required,omitempty"`
Schema *Schema `yaml:"schema,omitempty"`

type Content map[string]*Schema

type RequestBody struct {
Description string `yaml:"description,omitempty"`
Required bool `yaml:"required,omitempty"`
Content *Content `yaml:"content,omitempty"`

type Response struct {
Description string `yaml:"description,omitempty"`
Content *Content `yaml:"content,omitempty"`

type Method struct {
Summary string `yaml:"summary,omitempty"`
Description string `yaml:"description,omitempty"`
Deprecated string `yaml:"deprecated,omitempty"`
Parameters []*Parameter `yaml:"parameters,omitempty"`
RequestBody *RequestBody `yaml:"requestBody,omitempty"`
Responses map[string]*Response `yaml:"responses,omitempty"`

type Path map[string]*Method

type OpenApi struct {
OpenApi string `yaml:"openapi,omitempty"`
Info *Info `yaml:"info,omitempty"`
Paths map[string]*Path `yaml:"paths,omitempty"`

func produceSchema() *Schema {
return &Schema{
Properties: make(map[string]*Schema),

func ProduceOpenApi() *OpenApi {
return &OpenApi{
OpenApi: "3.0.0",
Paths: make(map[string]*Path),

func (o *OpenApi) CreateYamlBytes() []byte {
bytes, err := yaml.Marshal(o)
return bytes

func (o *OpenApi) CreateYamlString() string {
return string(o.CreateYamlBytes())

func (o *OpenApi) SetPath(
path string,
) *Path {
for pathUrl, pathObject := range o.Paths {
if pathUrl == path {
return pathObject
pathObject := make(Path)
o.Paths[path] = &pathObject
return &pathObject

func (p *Path) SetMethod(
method string,
) *Method {
method = strings.ToLower(method)

pathObject := *p
existingMethod := pathObject[method]
if existingMethod != nil {
return existingMethod
methodObject := Method{
Responses: make(map[string]*Response),
pathObject[method] = &methodObject
return &methodObject

func (m *Method) SetParameter(
name string,
) *Parameter {
for _, parameter := range m.Parameters {
if parameter.Name == name {
return parameter

parameter := Parameter{
Name: name,
m.Parameters = append(m.Parameters, &parameter)
return &parameter

func (p *Parameter) SetInLocation(
in InLocation,
) *Parameter {
switch in {
case InLocationQuery:
p.In = "query"
case InLocationCookie:
p.In = "cookie"
case InLocationHeader:
p.In = "header"
case InLocationPath:
p.In = "path"
return p

func (p *Parameter) SetSchema(
schemaType SchemaType,
) *Parameter {
schema := p.Schema
if schema == nil {
schema = produceSchema()
p.Schema = schema

return p

func (s *Schema) SetType(
schemaType SchemaType,
) *Schema {
switch schemaType {
case SchemaTypeString:
s.Type = "string"
case SchemaTypeInt:
s.Type = "integer"
case SchemaTypeObject:
s.Type = "object"
case SchemaTypeArray:
s.Type = "array"
return s

func (s *Schema) SetProperty(
name string,
schemaType SchemaType,
) *Schema {
property := s.Properties[name]
if property == nil {
property = produceSchema()
s.Properties[name] = property

return property

func (s *Schema) SetPropertyArray(
name string,
) *Schema {
array := s.SetProperty(name, SchemaTypeArray)
array.Items = produceSchema()
return array.Items

func (m *Method) SetRequestContent(
contentType string,
) *Schema {
body := m.RequestBody
if body == nil {
body = &RequestBody{}
m.RequestBody = body

content := body.Content
if content == nil {
content = &Content{}
body.Content = content

contentObject := *content
schema := contentObject[contentType]
if schema == nil {
schema = produceSchema()
contentObject[contentType] = schema

return schema

func (m *Method) SetContentApplicationJson() *Schema {
return m.SetRequestContent(applicationJson)

func (m *Method) SetResponseContent(
responseCode string,
contentType string,
) *Schema {
response := m.Responses[responseCode]
if response == nil {
response = &Response{}
m.Responses[responseCode] = response

content := response.Content
if content == nil {
content = &Content{}
response.Content = content

contentObject := *content
schema := contentObject[contentType]
if schema == nil {
schema = produceSchema()
contentObject[contentType] = schema

return schema

func (m *Method) SetResponseSuccessContentApplicationJson() *Schema {
return m.SetResponseContent("200", applicationJson)

The sample usage below creates 2 endpoints of list-items and add-item.

api := openapi.ProduceOpenApi()

method := api.SetPath("/api/list-items").SetMethod("GET")
method.Description = "list all store items"


listStoreSchema := method.SetResponseSuccessContentApplicationJson()
existingItemSchema := listStoreSchema.SetPropertyArray("items")
existingItemSchema.SetProperty("id", openapi.SchemaTypeInt)
existingItemSchema.SetProperty("name", openapi.SchemaTypeString)
existingItemSchema.SetProperty("price", openapi.SchemaTypeInt)

method = api.SetPath("/api/add-item").SetMethod("POST")
method.Description = "add item to store"
addItemSchema := method.SetContentApplicationJson()
newItemSchema := addItemSchema.SetProperty("item", openapi.SchemaTypeObject)
newItemSchema.SetProperty("name", openapi.SchemaTypeString)
newItemSchema.SetProperty("price", openapi.SchemaTypeInt)

t.Log("Schema is:\n\n%v", api.CreateYamlString())

The result openAPI file is:

openapi: 3.0.0
description: add item to store
type: object
type: object
type: string
type: integer
description: list all store items
- in: query
name: store-id
type: integer
type: array
type: integer
type: string
type: integer